Private Mortgages
We act for private mortgage lenders in Ontario closing hundreds of private mortgages per year.
We work with, and have helped build, lending groups/funds with portfolios that range from as low as $10 million to well over $50 million in private mortgages each year. We have a team of staff dedicated only to overseeing private mortgage transactions and can assist with all facets of your private mortgage lending business.

Residential Private Mortgages
Drafting all documentation required to create a valid mortgage registered on title
Advising lenders on the drafting and negotiation of commitment agreements
Negotiating creative strategies to complete transactions
Dealing with problematic issues including; prior collateral charges, CRA liens, work orders, residential leases, off-title owners, guarantors, purchase-mortgages with prior encumbrances etc

Construction Mortgages
Ensuring sufficient documentation is prepared to enable the lender to take-over the project on enforcement if necessary
Ensuring compliance with the Construction Lien Act
Dealing with lien claimants before and after closing
Advising on holdbacks under the Act, priority issues, and other pitfalls

Commercial & Development Mortgages
Advising on prior leasehold interests
Determining future development use when required
Determining issues such as access, zoning, ensuring environmental compliance etc.
Drafting and completing general security agreements, PPSA, Assignment’s or Rents

Compliance & Regulatory Issues
Advising on the Mortgage Brokers Act
Reviewing compliance issues with FSCO
Structuring MIC’s to ensure compliance with Securities Act
Ensuring your mortgage for compliance with the Interest Act
Advising on compliance with the Mortgages Act

Grechi Carter Professional Corporation

1 Eglinton Ave East, Suite 803

Toronto, Ontario M4P 3A1

Phone: 416-900-3865

Fax: 647-494-9758

Email: info@gclaw.ca